Better Life with MgO

Deliverable B.3.5 - Replicability and transferability strategy draft plan (including market analysis and exploitation plan)

Completion Date: 06.09.18

The objective of the present report is to develop a draft transferability and replicability (T&R) strategy for the LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD project (Action B3.3). Initially, key terms are defined namely “Replicability”, “Transferability” and “Replicability and Transferability strategy”, whereas information is given related to the environmental problem targeted by the project along with the state-of-the-art technology on SOx abatement. In comparison to the existing abatement technologies, an extensive description of the project's innovative technology and by-product is presented. For more information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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