- 1/7/2016 – 31/12/2019
Better Life with MgO
LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD is about designing and implementing a novel air pollution abatement process for demonstration in Grecian Magnesite’s Yerakini facilities where high sulfur content fuels are used for the operation of the sites’s kilns. The project is co-financed by EU's LIFE Programme.
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To demonstrate that a new dry desulfurization technology utilizing magnesium oxide (MgO) as a sulfur oxide (SOx) pollutant sorbent is a Positive Net Environmental Impact Solution for magnesia industries.
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- Total project budget: 2,333,817 €
- Total eligible project budget: 1,882,818 €
- EU/LIFE financial contribution: 1,129,690 €
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New desulfurization technology for SOx reduction with positive net environmental impact based on MgO reagents.
LIFE15 ENV/GR/000338
LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD: The project's promotional video