Better Life with MgO

LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD: Το προωθητικό βίντεο του έργου

A video presentation of our LIFE15 ENV/GR/000338 project: New desulfurization technology for SOx reduction with positive net environmental impact based on MgO reagents.

This was conducted on December 17th, 2019 at the Centre for Research and Technology (CERTH) in Thessaloniki to present the final results of LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD, mainly attended by students, researchers and academia. This was followed by an organized pilot plant visit, which included a detailed tour of the installation, the control room and the rotary kiln.

This was conducted on March 28th, 2019 in the Athens offices of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) with major stakeholder and interested parties participation. A parallel session Replicability and Transferability was also conducted.

Greek LIFE Task Force Promotional video, prepared with the contribution of LIFEPOSITIVEMgOFGD, is now available on Youtube


Better Life with MgO

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